Source code for pygwas.bed_parser

import struct

import numpy
import transposed_pedigree_parser
from data_parser import DataParser
from parsed_locus import ParsedLocus
from . import Exit
from . import BuildReportLine

__copyright__ = "Eric Torstenson"
__license__ = "GPL3.0"
#     This file is part of pyGWAS.
#     pyGWAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     pyGWAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with MVtest.  If not, see <>.

[docs]class Parser(transposed_pedigree_parser.Parser): def __init__(self, fam, bim, bed): """Parse PLINK's binary pedigree files. Genotype conversion is as follows (taken from 01101100 HGFEDCBA AB 00 -- homozygote (first) CD 11 -- other homozygote (second) EF 01 -- heterozygote (third) GH 10 -- missing genotype (fourth) AWe map those to: * 00 -- 0 * 11 -- 2 * 01 -- 1 * 10 -- -1 (or whatever the missing_storage is) """ #: Filename associated with the pedigree data (first 6 columns from #: standard pedigree: fid, iid, fid, mid, sex, pheno) self.fam_file = fam #: filename for marker info in PLINK .bim format self.bim_file = bim #: Filename associated with the binary allele information (in variant #: major format only) self.bed_file = bed #: Pedigree information for reporting self.families = [] #: Actual pedigree file being parsed (file object) self.genotype_file = None #: Valid loci to be used for analysis self.markers = None #: Alleles for each locus self.alleles = [] #: Number of valid individuals self.ind_count = 0 #: Mask indicating valid samples self.ind_mask = None #: Genotype conversion self.geno_conversions = { 0:2, 3:0, 2:1, 1:DataParser.missing_storage }
[docs] def ReportConfiguration(self, file): """ Report configuration for logging purposes. :param file: Destination for report details :return: None """ print >> file, BuildReportLine("BED_FILE", self.bed_file) print >> file, BuildReportLine("BIM_FILE", self.bim_file) print >> file, BuildReportLine("FAMFILE", self.fam_file)
[docs] def load_fam(self, pheno_covar): """Load contents from the .fam file, updating the pheno_covar with \ family ids found. :param pheno_covar: Phenotype/covariate object :return: None """ pheno_col = 5 if not DataParser.has_sex: pheno_col -= 1 if not DataParser.has_parents: pheno_col -= 2 if not DataParser.has_fid: pheno_col -= 1 sex_col = pheno_col - 1 mask_components = [] for line in open(self.fam_file): words = line.strip().split() if len(words) > 1: indid = ":".join(words[0:2]) if DataParser.valid_indid(indid): mask_components.append(0) sex = None pheno = None if DataParser.has_sex: sex = int(words[sex_col]) if DataParser.has_pheno: pheno = float(words[pheno_col]) pheno_covar.add_subject(indid, sex, pheno) if len(words) > 0: self.families.append(words) else: mask_components.append(1) mask_components = numpy.array(mask_components) self.ind_mask = numpy.zeros(len(mask_components), dtype=numpy.int8) self.ind_mask = mask_components self.ind_count = self.ind_mask.shape[0] pheno_covar.freeze_subjects()
[docs] def load_bim(self, map3=False): """Basic marker details loading. (chr, rsid, gen. dist, pos, allelel 1, allele2) :param map3: When true, ignore the genetic distance column :return: None """ cols = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5] if map3: cols = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] markers = numpy.loadtxt(self.bim_file, dtype=str, usecols=cols) if DataParser.boundary.NoExclusions(): self.markers = numpy.zeros((markers.shape[0], 2), dtype=int) self.markers[:, 0] = markers[:, 0].astype(int) self.markers[:, 1] = markers[:, 2].astype(int) self.rsids = markers[:, 1] self.alleles = markers[:, 3:] else: self.markers = [] self.rsids = [] self.alleles = [] for locus in markers: self.markers.append([locus[0], locus[2]]) self.rsids.append(locus[1]) self.alleles.append(locus[3:]) self.markers = numpy.array(self.markers, self.rsids = numpy.array(self.rsids) self.alleles = numpy.array(self.alleles) self.locus_count = self.markers.shape[0]
[docs] def init_genotype_file(self): """Resets the bed file and preps it for starting at the start of the \ genotype data Returns to beginning of file and reads the version so that it points \ to first marker's info :return: None """ buff = version = 0 magic, data_format = buff.unpack("HB", version) return magic, data_format
[docs] def extract_genotypes(self, bytes): """Extracts encoded genotype data from binary formatted file. :param bytes: array of bytes pulled from the .bed file :return: standard python list containing the genotype data Only ind_count genotypes will be returned (even if there are a handful of extra pairs present). """ genotypes = [] for b in bytes: for i in range(0, 4): v = ((b>>(i*2)) & 3) genotypes.append(self.geno_conversions[v]) return genotypes[0:self.ind_count]
[docs] def filter_missing(self): """Filter out individuals and SNPs that have too many missing to be \ considered :return: None This must be run prior to actually parsing the genotypes because it initializes the following instance members: * ind_mask * total_locus_count * locus_count * data_parser.boundary (adds loci with too much missingness) """ missing = None locus_count = 0 # Filter out individuals according to missingness magic, data_format = struct.unpack("<HB", if data_format != 1: Exit(("MVTEST is currently unable to read data formatted as " + "individual major. You must regenerate your data in SNP major"+ " format. ")) self.bytes_per_read = self.ind_count / 4 if self.ind_count % 4 > 0: self.bytes_per_read += 1 self.fmt_string = "<" + "B"*self.bytes_per_read for index in range(self.locus_count): buffer = struct.unpack(self.fmt_string, chr, pos = self.markers[index] rsid = self.rsids[index] if DataParser.boundary.TestBoundary(chr, pos, rsid): genotypes = numpy.array(self.extract_genotypes(buffer), dtype=numpy.int8) locus_count += 1 if missing is None: missing = numpy.zeros(genotypes.shape[0], dtype='int8') missing += 0+(genotypes==DataParser.missing_storage) max_missing = DataParser.ind_miss_tol * locus_count dropped_individuals = 0+(max_missing<missing) self.ind_mask = self.ind_mask|dropped_individuals valid_individuals = numpy.sum(self.ind_mask==0) max_missing = DataParser.snp_miss_tol * valid_individuals # We can't merge these two iterations since we need to know which # individuals to consider for filtering on MAF dropped_snps = [] self.total_locus_count = self.locus_count self.locus_count = 0 for index in range(self.total_locus_count): buffer = struct.unpack(self.fmt_string, genotypes =, self.ind_mask).compressed() chr, pos = self.markers[index] rsid = self.rsids[index] if DataParser.boundary.TestBoundary(chr, pos, rsid): missing = numpy.sum(0+(genotypes==DataParser.missing_storage)) if missing > max_missing: DataParser.boundary.dropped_snps[int(chr)].add(int(pos)) dropped_snps.append(rsid) else: self.locus_count += 1
[docs] def load_genotypes(self): """Prepares the file for genotype parsing. :return: None """ self.genotype_file = open(self.bed_file, "rb") self.filter_missing()
[docs] def populate_iteration(self, iteration): """Parse genotypes from the file and iteration with relevant marker \ details. :param iteration: ParseLocus object which is returned per iteration :return: True indicates current locus is valid. StopIteration is thrown if the marker reaches the end of the file or the valid genomic region for analysis. """ cur_idx = iteration.cur_idx if cur_idx < self.total_locus_count: buffer = struct.unpack(self.fmt_string, genotypes =, self.ind_mask).compressed() iteration.chr, iteration.pos = self.markers[cur_idx] iteration.rsid = self.rsids[cur_idx] if DataParser.boundary.TestBoundary(iteration.chr, iteration.pos, iteration.rsid): hz_count = numpy.sum(genotypes==1) allele_count1 = numpy.sum(genotypes==0)*2 + hz_count allele_count2 = numpy.sum(genotypes==2)*2 + hz_count iteration.minor_allele, \ iteration.major_allele = self.alleles[cur_idx] if allele_count2 > allele_count1: iteration.maj_allele_count = allele_count2 iteration.min_allele_count = allele_count1 else: iteration.maj_allele_count = allele_count1 iteration.min_allele_count = allele_count2 iteration.allele_count2 = allele_count2 iteration.genotype_data = genotypes return iteration.maf >= DataParser.min_maf and \ iteration.maf <= DataParser.max_maf else: raise StopIteration return False
def __iter__(self): """Use itself as the iterator, starting back at beginning of the \ genotypic data :return: ParsedLocus representing the first locus. """ return ParsedLocus(self)