pygwas package

PyGWAS provides a singular interface for using several GWAS data formats such as Pedigree (ped), Translated Pedigree (tped), Binary Pedigree (bed) and two common imputed formats, IMPUTE and MACH as well as each of the accompanying files such as marker or family data. Support for plink style phenotype and covariate formatted files are also provided.

pygwas.bed_parser module

class pygwas.bed_parser.Parser(fam, bim, bed)[source]

Bases: pygwas.transposed_pedigree_parser.Parser


Report configuration for logging purposes.

Parameters:file – Destination for report details
alleles = None

Alleles for each locus

bed_file = None

Filename associated with the binary allele information (in variant major format only)

bim_file = None

filename for marker info in PLINK .bim format


Extracts encoded genotype data from binary formatted file.

Parameters:bytes – array of bytes pulled from the .bed file
Returns:standard python list containing the genotype data

Only ind_count genotypes will be returned (even if there are a handful of extra pairs present).

fam_file = None

Filename associated with the pedigree data (first 6 columns from standard pedigree: fid, iid, fid, mid, sex, pheno)

families = None

Pedigree information for reporting


Filter out individuals and SNPs that have too many missing to be considered


This must be run prior to actually parsing the genotypes because it initializes the following instance members:

  • ind_mask
  • total_locus_count
  • locus_count
  • data_parser.boundary (adds loci with too much missingness)
geno_conversions = None

Genotype conversion

genotype_file = None

Actual pedigree file being parsed (file object)

ind_count = None

Number of valid individuals

ind_mask = None

Mask indicating valid samples


Resets the bed file and preps it for starting at the start of the genotype data

Returns to beginning of file and reads the version so that it points to first marker’s info


Basic marker details loading.

(chr, rsid, gen. dist, pos, allelel 1, allele2)
Parameters:map3 – When true, ignore the genetic distance column

Load contents from the .fam file, updating the pheno_covar with family ids found.

Parameters:pheno_covar – Phenotype/covariate object

Prepares the file for genotype parsing.

markers = None

Valid loci to be used for analysis


Parse genotypes from the file and iteration with relevant marker details.

Parameters:iteration – ParseLocus object which is returned per iteration
Returns:True indicates current locus is valid.

StopIteration is thrown if the marker reaches the end of the file or the valid genomic region for analysis.

pygwas.boundary module

class pygwas.boundary.BoundaryCheck(bp=(None, None), kb=(None, None), mb=(None, None))[source]

Bases: object

Record boundary specifications from user to control traversal.

Default boundaries are specified in numerical positions along a single chromosome. Users are permitted to provide boundaries in 3 forms: Bases, Kilobasees and Megabases. All are recorded as single base offsets from the beginning of the chromosome (starting at 1).

The valid setting doesn’t mean the boundary object is invalid, only that no actual boundary ranges have been provided. This is done to allow the user interface code to be a little simpler (i.e. if the user didn’t provide bounds using numerical boundaries, it can try instantiating a SnpBoundary and pass the relevant arguments to that object. If none are valid, then either can be used, at which point both act as chromosome boundaries or simple SNP filters)

If chrom is specfied, all SNPs and boundaries are expected to reside on that chromosome.


Load locus exclusions.

Parameters:snps – Can either be a list of rsids or a file containing rsids.

If snps is a file, the file must only contain RSIDs separated by whitespace (tabs, spaces and return characters).


Define the SNP inclusions (by RSID). This overrides true boundary definition.

Parameters:snps – array of RSIDs

This doesn’t define RSID ranges, so it throws InvalidBoundarySpec if it encounters what appears to be a range (SNP contains a “-”)


Determine that there are no exclusion criterion in play

Returns:True if there is no real boundary specification of any kind.

Simple method allowing parsers to short circuit the determination of missingness, which can be moderately compute intensive.


Report the boundary configuration details

Parameters:f – File (or standard out/err)
TestBoundary(chr, pos, rsid)[source]

Test if locus is within the boundaries and not to be ignored.

  • chr – Chromosome of locus
  • pos – BP position of locus
  • rsid – RSID (used to check for exclusions)

True if locus isn’t to be ignored

beyond_upper_bound = None

Is set once the upper limit has been exceeded

bounds = None

Actual boundary details in BP

chrom = -1
dropped_snps = None

Indices of loci that are to be dropped {chr=>[pos1, pos2, ..., posN]}

ignored_rs = None

List of RS Numbers to be ignored

target_rs = None

List of RS Numbers to be targeted (ignors all but those listed)

valid = None

True if boundary conditions remain true

pygwas.data_parser module

class pygwas.data_parser.DataParser[source]

Bases: object

Abstract representation of all dataset parsers

boundary = <pygwas.boundary.BoundaryCheck object>

Boundary object specifying valid region for analysis

compressed_pedigree = False

When true, assume that standard pedigree and transposed pedigree are compressed with gzip

has_fid = True

When false, pedigree header expects no family id column

has_liability = False

When false, pedigree header expects no liability column

has_parents = True

When false, pedigree header expects no parents columns

has_pheno = True

When false, pedigree header expects no phenotype column

has_sex = True

When false, pedigree header expects no sex column

ind_exclusions = []

Filter out specific individuals by individual ID

ind_inclusions = []

Filter in specific individuals by individual ID

ind_miss_tol = 1.0

Filter individuals with too many missing

max_maf = 1.0

filter out if a minor allele frequency exceeds this value

min_maf = 0.0

this can be used to filter out loci with too few minor alleles

missing_representation = '0'

External representation of missingness

missing_storage = -1
snp_miss_tol = 1.0

Filter SNPs with too many missing

static valid_indid(indid)[source]
pygwas.data_parser.check_inclusions(item, included=[], excluded=[])[source]

Everything passes if both are empty, otherwise, we have to check if empty or is present.

pygwas.exceptions module

exception pygwas.exceptions.InvalidBoundarySpec(malformed_boundary)[source]

Bases: pygwas.exceptions.ReportableException

Indicate boundary specification was malformed or non-sensical

exception pygwas.exceptions.InvalidSelection(msg)[source]

Bases: pygwas.exceptions.MalformedInputFile

Indicate that the user provided input that is meaningless.

This is likely a situation where the user provided an invalid name for a phenotype or covariate. Probably a misspelling.

exception pygwas.exceptions.InvariantVar(msg='')[source]

Bases: pygwas.exceptions.ReportableException

No minor allele found

exception pygwas.exceptions.MalformedInputFile(msg)[source]

Bases: pygwas.exceptions.ReportableException

Error encountered in data from an input file

exception pygwas.exceptions.NanInResult(msg='')[source]

Bases: pygwas.exceptions.ReportableException

NaN found in result

exception pygwas.exceptions.NoMatchedPhenoCovars(msg='')[source]

Bases: pygwas.exceptions.ReportableException

No ids matched between pheno or covar and the family data

exception pygwas.exceptions.ReportableException(msg)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Simple exeception with message

exception pygwas.exceptions.TooFewAlleles(chr=None, rsid=None, pos=None, alleles=None, index=None)[source]

Bases: pygwas.exceptions.TooManyAlleles

Indicate fixed allele was found

exception pygwas.exceptions.TooManyAlleles(chr=None, rsid=None, pos=None, alleles=None, index=None, prefix='Too many alleles: ')[source]

Bases: pygwas.exceptions.ReportableException

Indicate locus found with more than 2 alleles

alleles = None

Allele 1 and 2

chr = None


index = None

Index of the locus within the file

pos = None

BP Position

rsid = None


exception pygwas.exceptions.UnsolvedLocus(msg)[source]

Bases: pygwas.exceptions.ReportableException

pygwas.impute_parser module

class pygwas.impute_parser.Encoding[source]

Bases: object

Simple enumeration for various model encodings

Additive = 0
Dominant = 1
Genotype = 3
Raw = 4
Recessive = 2
class pygwas.impute_parser.Parser(fam_details, archive_list, chroms, info_files=[])[source]

Bases: pygwas.data_parser.DataParser

Parse IMPUTE style output.

Parameters:file – Destination for report details
archives = None

This is only the list of files to be processed

chroms = None

List of chroms to match files listed in archives

current_chrom = None

This will be used to record the chromosome of the current file

current_file = None

This will be used to record the opened file used for parsing

current_info = None

This will be used to record the info file associated with quality of SNPs

fam_details = None

single file containing the subject details (similar to plink’s .fam)

gen_ext = 'gen.gz'

The genotype file suffix (of not following convention)


Returns the effect allele’s frequency


If we reach the end of the file, we simply open the next, until we run out of archives to process

info_ext = 'info'

the extension associated with the .info files if not using conventions

info_files = None

array of .info files

info_threshold = 0.4

The threshold associated with the .info info column


Load family data updating the pheno_covar with family ids found.

Parameters:pheno_covar – Phenotype/covariate object

Prepares the files for genotype parsing.


Parse genotypes from the file and iteration with relevant marker details.

Parameters:iteration – ParseLocus object which is returned per iteration
Returns:True indicates current locus is valid.

StopIteration is thrown if the marker reaches the end of the file or the valid genomic region for analysis.


Sets the encoding variable according to the text passed

Parameters:sval – text specification for the desired model module


Bases: object

alleles = None

List of alleles present

chr = None



Returns the estimated frequency of heterozygotes


This will switch major/minor around, regardless of frequency truth.

This is intended for forcing one of two populations to relate correctly to the same genotype definitions. When flipped, Ps and Qs will be backward, and the maf will no longer relate to the “minor” allele frequency. However, it does allow clients to use the same calls for each population without having to perform checks during those calculations.

hetero_count = None

total count of heterozygotes observed


Returns the frequency of observed heterozygotes (not available with all parsers)


Returns the MAF. This is valid for all parsers

maj_allele_count = None

total number of major alleles observed


Sets/Returns the encoding for the major allele (A, C, G, T, etc)

min_allele_count = None

total number of minor alleles observed


Sets/Returns the encoding for minor allele

missing_allele_count = None

total number of missing alleles were observed


Frequency for first allele

pos = None

BP Position


Frequency for second allele

rsid = None



Returns to total sample size


Returns the total number of alleles

pygwas.mach_parser module

class pygwas.mach_parser.Encoding[source]

Bases: object

Dosage = 0

Currently there is only one way to interpret these values

class pygwas.mach_parser.Parser(archive_list, info_files=[])[source]

Bases: pygwas.data_parser.DataParser

Parse IMPUTE style output.

Due to the nature of the mach data format, we must load the data first into member before we can begin analyzing it. Due to the massive amount of data, SNPs are loaded in in chunks.

  • Currently, we will not be filtering on individuals except by explicit removal
  • We are assuming that each gzip archive contains all data associated with the loci contained within (i.e. there won’t be separate files with different subjects inside) (( Todd email jan-9-2015))
  • There is no place to store RSID from the output that I’ve seen (Minimac output generated by Ben Zhang). As of Feb 2016, I’ve made the chr:pos ID requirment optional, and added in a 3rd column (optional for even the option) which can be rsid if present (currently, the data we have puts alleles in that column, but future imputations can be done differently). When using the mach-chrpos flag, users can produce results that appear similar to plink output with chromosome, position and optionally RSIDs in the expected columns. This is, by default, turned off, and the entire contents of that ID column is stored as simply the RSID when reporting results.

Report the configuration details for logging purposes.

Parameters:file – Destination for report details
chrpos_encoding = False
chunk_stride = 50000

Number of loci to parse at a time (larger stride requires more memory)

dosage_ext = 'dose.gz'

Extension for the dosage file


Returns the frequency of the effect allele

info_ext = 'info.gz'

Extension for the info file


Load contents from the .fam file, updating the pheno_covar with family ids found.

Parameters:pheno_covar – Phenotype/covariate object

Actually loads the first chunk of genotype data into memory due to the individual oriented format of MACH data.

Due to the fragmented approach to data loading necessary to avoid running out of RAM, this function will initialize the data structures with the first chunk of loci and prepare it for otherwise normal iteration.

Also, because the parser can be assigned more than one .gen file to read from, it will automatically move to the next file when the first is exhausted.

min_rsquared = 0.3

rsquared threshold for analysis (obtained from the mach output itself)

parse_genotypes(lb, ub)[source]

Extracts a fraction of the file (current chunk of loci) loading the genotypes into memoery.

  • lb – Lower bound of the current chunk
  • ub – Upper bound of the current chunk

Dosage dosages for current chunk


Parse genotypes from the file and iteration with relevant marker details.

Parameters:iteration – ParseLocus object which is returned per iteration
Returns:True indicates current locus is valid.

StopIteration is thrown if the marker reaches the end of the file or the valid genomic region for analysis.

This function will force a load of the next chunk when necessary.

pygwas.parsed_locus module

class pygwas.parsed_locus.ParsedLocus(datasource, index=-1)[source]


Locus data representing current iteration from a dataset

Provide an iterator interface for all dataset types.

cur_idx = None

Index within the list of loci being analyzed

genotype_data = None

Actual genotype data for this locus


Move to the next valid locus.

Will only return valid loci or exit via StopIteration exception

pygwas.pedigree_parser module

class pygwas.pedigree_parser.Parser(mapfile, datasource)[source]

Bases: pygwas.data_parser.DataParser

Parse standard pedigree dataset.

Data should follow standard format for pedigree data, except alleles be either numerical (1 and 2) or as bases (A, C, T and G). All loci must have 2 alleles to be returned.

Attributes initialized to None are only available after load_genotypes() has been called.

  • Pedigree files are currently loaded in their entirety, but we could load them in according to chunks like we are doing in mach input.
  • There are a bunch of legacy lists which should be reduced to a single list of Locus objects.

Report configuration for logging purposes.

Parameters:file – Destination for report details
alleles = None

List of both alleles for each valid locus

datasource = None

Filename for the actual pedigree information

genotypes = None

Matrix of genotype data

individual_mask = None

Mask used to remove excluded and filtered calls from the genotype data (each position represents an individual)

invalid_loci = None

Loci that are being ignored due to filtration


Load all data into memory and propagate valid individuals to pheno_covar.

Parameters:pheno_covar – Phenotype/covariate object is updated with subject

information :return: None


Load the marker data

Parameters:map3 – When true, ignore the gen. distance column

Builds up the marker list according to the boundary configuration

locus_count = None

Number of valid loci

mapfile = None

Filename for the marker information

markers = None

List of valid Locus Objects

markers_maf = None

List of MAF at each locus


Parse genotypes from the file and iteration with relevant marker details.

Parameters:iteration – ParseLocus object which is returned per iteration
Returns:True indicates current locus is valid.

StopIteration is thrown if the marker reaches the end of the file or the valid genomic region for analysis.

rsids = None

List of all SNP names for valid loci

pygwas.pheno_covar module

class pygwas.pheno_covar.PhenoCovar[source]

Bases: object

Store both phenotype and covariate data in a single object.

Provide iterable interface to allow evaluation of multiple phenotypes easily. Covariates do not change during iteration. Missing is updated according to the missing content within the phenotype (and covariates as well).

add_subject(ind_id, sex=None, phenotype=None)[source]

Add new subject to study, with optional sex and phenotype

Throws MalformedInputFile if sex is can’t be converted to int

covariate_data = None

All covariate data [[cov1],[cov2],etc]

covariate_labels = None

List of covariate names from header, if provided SEX is implied, if sex_as_covariate is true. Covariates loaded without header are simply named Cov-N

destandardize_variables(tv, blin, bvar, errBeta, nonmissing)[source]

Destandardize betas and other components.

do_standardize_variables = None

Allows you to turn off standardization


Converts variable data into numpy arrays.

This is required after all subjects have been added via the add_subject function, since we don’t know ahead of time who is participating in the analysis due to various filtering possibilities.

individual_mask = None

True indicates an individual is to be excluded

load_covarfile(file, indices=[], names=[], sample_file=False)[source]

Load covariate data from file.

Unlike phenofiles, if we already have data, we keep it (that would be the sex covariate)

load_phenofile(file, indices=[], names=[], sample_file=False)[source]

Load phenotype data from phenotype file

Whitespace delimited, FAMID, INDID, VAR1, [VAR2], etc

Users can specify phenotypes of interest via indices and names. Indices are 1 based and start with the first variable. names must match name specified in the header (case is ignored).

missing_encoding = -9

Internal encoding for missingness

pedigree_data = None

Pedigree information {FAMID:INDID => index, etc}

phenotype_data = None

Raw phenotype data with every possible phenotype [[ph1],[ph2],etc]

phenotype_names = None

List of phenotype names from header, if provided. If no header is found, the phenotype is simply named Pheno-N


Make sure that the data is in the right form and standardized as expected.

sex_as_covariate = False

Do we use sex as a covariate?

test_variables = None

finalized data ready for analysis

pygwas.snp_boundary_check module

class pygwas.snp_boundary_check.SnpBoundaryCheck(snps=[])[source]

Bases: pygwas.boundary.BoundaryCheck

RS (or other name) based boundary checking.

Same rules apply as those for BoundaryCheck, except users can provide multiple RS boundary regions. Though, all boundary groups must reside on a single chromosome.

Class members (these are not intended for public consumption):
  • start_bounds bp location for boundary starts Currently, only one boundary is permitted. This is to remain consistant with plink

  • end_bounds bp location for boundary end (inclusive)

  • ignored_rs List of RS numbers to be ignored

  • target_rs List of RS numbers to be targeted

  • dropped_snps indices of loci that are to be dropped

    {chr=>[pos1, pos2, ...]}

  • end_rs This is used during iteration to identify when to

    turn “off” the current boundary group


Determine that there are no exclusion criterion in play

Returns:True if there is no real boundary specification of any kind.

Simple method allowing parsers to short circuit the determination of missingness, which can be moderately compute intensive.


Report the boundary configuration details

Parameters:f – File (or standard out/err)
TestBoundary(chr, pos, rsid)[source]

Test if locus is within the boundaries and not to be ignored.

  • chr – Chromosome of locus
  • pos – BP position of locus
  • rsid – RSID (used to check for exclusions)

True if locus isn’t to be ignored

pygwas.standardizer module

class pygwas.standardizer.NoStandardization(pc)[source]

Bases: pygwas.standardizer.StandardizedVariable

This is mostly a placeholder for standardizers. Each application will probably have a specific approach to standardizing/destandardizing the input/output.

destandardize(estimates, se, **kwargs)[source]

When the pheno/covar data has been standardized, this can be used to rescale the betas back to a meaningful value using the original data.

For the “Un-standardized” data, we do no conversion.


Standardize the variables within a range [-1.0 and 1.0]

This replaces the local copies of this data. When it’s time to scale back, use destandardize from the datasource for that.

class pygwas.standardizer.StandardizedVariable(pc)[source]

Bases: object

Optional plugin object that can be used to standardize covariate and phenotype data.

Many algorithms require that input be standardized in some way in order to work properly, however, rescaling the results is algorithm specific. In order to facilitate this situation, application authors can write up application specific Standardization objects for use with the data parsers.

covar_count = None

number of covars

covariates = None

Standardized covariate data

datasource = None

Reference back to the pheno_covar object for access to raw data


Stub for the appropriate destandardizer function.

Each object type will do it’s own thing here.


Return label for a specific covariate

Parameters:idx – which covariate?
Returns:string label

Return all covariate labels as a list

Returns:list of covariate names

Returns current phenotype name


Extract the complete set of data based on missingness over all for the current locus.

Parameters:missing_in_geno – mask associated with missingness in genotype
Returns:(phenotypes, covariates, nonmissing used for this set of vars)
idx = None

index of the current phenotype

missing = None

mask representing missingness (1 indicates missing)

pheno_count = None

number of phenotypes

phenotypes = None

standardized phenotype data


Stub for the appropriate standardizer function

Each Standardizer object will do it’s own thing here.


pygwas.transposed_pedigree_parser module

class pygwas.transposed_pedigree_parser.Parser(tfam, tped)[source]

Bases: pygwas.data_parser.DataParser

Parse transposed pedigree dataset

Class Members: tfam_file filename associated with the pedigree information tped_file Filename associated with the genotype data families Pedigree information for reporting genotype_file Actual pedigree file begin parsed (file object)


Filter out individuals and SNPs that have too many missing to be considered


This really just intializes the file by opening it up.


Load the pedigree portion of the data and sort out exclusions


Pour the current data into the iteration object


Parse pedigree line and remove excluded individuals from geno

Translates alleles into numerical genotypes (0, 1, 2) counting number of minor alleles.

Throws exceptions if an there are not 2 distinct alleles

Module contents

pygwas.BuildReportLine(key, value)[source]

Prepare key/value for reporting in configuration report

  • key – configuration ‘keyword’
  • value – value reported to be associated with keyword

formatted line starting with a comment

pygwas.Exit(msg, code=1)[source]

Exit execution with return code and message :param msg: Message displayed prior to exit :param code: code returned upon exiting

pygwas.ExitIf(msg, do_exit, code=1)[source]

Exit if do_exit is true

  • msg – Message displayed prior to exit
  • do_exit – exit when true
  • code – application’s return code upon exit

Execute cmd and capture stdout and stderr

Parameters:cmd – command to be executed
Returns:(stdout, stderr)